JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. It is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web, along with HTML and CSS, and is essential for creating modern web applications. In this blog post, we’ll explore what JavaScript is, how it works, and how it is used to enhance the functionality of web pages.
JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, and interpreted programming language that was first created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while he was working at Netscape Communications. It was originally designed to be a lightweight scripting language for web browsers, but over time it has evolved into a powerful and versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of applications, both on the web and in other environments.
In summary..
JavaScript is a powerful and versatile programming language that is essential for creating modern web applications. It works by allowing developers to write code that can be executed by web browsers, and is used to enhance the functionality of web pages in a variety of ways. By understanding how JavaScript works and how it is used, you can create engaging and dynamic web pages that are optimized for the web.